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Tiempo Desmembrado

"Dismembered Time" 

"Tiempo Desmembrado" (Dismembered time) is the title of my new experimental film.

This art piece is made of fragments of 8mm films that I found in the attic of my parent's home. These films were mostly made by my grandfather between the decades of the 50's and the 70's. They were buried in the dust of the past. The project is called "Dismembered Time" because it is the dance of the the disjointed time; the time out off its track. "Dismembered Time" is a trip to forgotten memories.

The obsessive repetition of the film fragments have engraved in its surface the essence of other times, times that come to visit us here out of its tombs like specters that rise to remind us of the feelings and realities we tend to obsess with, that belong either to the past or the future, but not to the precious present.

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